Arij Van Giesen, excutive producer, canary island, germany. production company , creative agency , shoot in italy
Arij van Giesen
Executive producer / CEO
Insightsproject production team members

Over 14 years of experience

Our main creative team is a well-rehearsed task force, supported by a dynamic network of multi-talented professional and creative individuals.
If any additional special skills are needed, we know where to find them!

This ensures that every project has the perfect match,
making sure that you will be absolutely thrilled with the result of our teamwork.

Italy , Sicily production , south italy production, need a fixer , producer in italy , creative agency, shoot in sicily , shoot in italy , location manager in italy , location manager in sicily
Giuseppe Mortillaro
Manager Italy / producer
Photo director, production company in italy, production company in sicily, creative agency, shoot in sicily, location manager, polaroid, polaroid camera
Lorena Morin
head of photo & art buying
Christiania Krueger
Writer & Director
Carolin Röckelein
Video & Post-Production
Ángela Blanco
Teddy Murphy